We at APEX POWER have been passionately providing our services for the past decade from general electrical contracting to complex installations. Our committed electrical professionals are prepared for any project and most of all, maintain exceptional standards of quality and customer service.
Our scope of Services include:
- Supply, Installation , Testing and commissioning of
- HT breakers, Transformers
- LT Panels, VCB, ACB
- MDBs/DBs
- Complete Internal & External Electrifications works
2. Earthing works & Lightning Protection
- Plate Earthing/Chemical earthing etc.
- Lightening protection works.
3. Conduiting and Allied Works
- MS/PVC conduits
- Cable trays/raceways
- LT/HT cables
- LT/HT Cable Terminations
- Luminaries
- Point /Main/Sub main Wiring